Monday, January 24, 2011

Just how far will a woman go to get what she wants?

You know what amazes me? Women. Not even in a good way. What amazes me so much is how low women can stoop when it comes to a man, specifically fighting over a man. Like really? Come on girls, you're worth much more than that. I know a pair of girls who I suppose at one time were maybe not friends but acquaintances. Now, I don't know the entire story and as an outsider, a third party completely uninvolved in the situation, but as little pieces of the puzzle come together, little pieces I read on blogs and Facebook status updates, I kind of figured out just a bit of what happens. I'm definitely not judging, I'm just trying to understand.

It's too complicated a situation to understand but from what I understand, one girl and the other girl's boyfriend fall for each other and they leave their respective partners to date each other. Then what happens is that this new couple's respective exes start dating each other. So it's like a partner switch. But then what happens is that, well I'm just guessing here, that the girl decides she's not over her ex and she wants him back and she contacts him and whatnot. So the ex's now girlfriend (which is the guy in the new coupling's ex) gets pissed off and well they have an exchange of words, pretty nasty words from what I read. But they still date their respective partners. But eventually the girl is unhappy I suppose and leaves her partner because she wants her ex back and her ex supposedly wants her back too. I guess then the girlfriend of the ex dumps him and the girl goes back to her ex and the guy goes back to his ex. So it's like they switched back to their original partners. Again, based on what I read, both the girls have another indirect exchange of words. But after that, they're back with their rightful partners and all peace and love is restored.

Phew! That's one complicated ass situation. This reminds me of one of the Mickey Mouse and friends cartoons I watched where Goofy was the cupid and he fucked up the arrows so Mickey and Daisy fell in love and Minnie and Donald fell in love. Isn't it funny how you can find out SO much about a person from the internet? Facebook, Twitter and blogs. But that's a whole other topic. ANYWAY. One of the girls posted the nasty exchange on her blog and the other girl posted something on her Facebook, or was is Twitter? I really can't remember. Geesh, too many internet sites to keep track of!

Oh by the way, I am betting that if either one of these girls ever read this blog, they'd probably block me or delete me from their Twitter and Facebook and whatnot. I'd definitely understand if either one did so, but I'd like to clearly state here, that I really am not judging them or their situation or action. I am in general pointing out a flaw that all women, including myself, have which is to put another person down and merely using their situation as an example. If I hurt any feelings with this post or insult anybody, I assure you it's not intentional and again, I am merely trying to make a point.

Anyway, so I read the nasty exchange of words the two girls had. And it got me thinking, the language that we girls use on each other, it can be so foul and that in itself if pretty damn shocking. The words we use on each other for example, "bitch" "slut" "whore" "cunt" "skank" "tramp" "trash" "bimbo" "ho" and I bet there's a whole list and a whole bunch of terms I haven't even heard of before. And the things is we are all guilty of it, no matter how much you want to deny it, we have all at least called another woman a bitch. Where does this come from? Where did we learn to put other women down to such derogatory terms? What happened to sisterhood and loyalty to your sisters? And here's another thought; If we women are calling each other such names, don't you think that gives men the right or the 'OKAY' to think that they can call us that too? And since when did women become cool or okay with being called sluts and whores? I'd like to know!

And another thing about this situation that got me thinking was just HOW much will a girl do to get the man she wants? I mean in a way, I guess the whole theme and idea of "fighting for your man and the love of your life" and all that, it's kind of respectable or admirable. I mean, you're going after what you want and it matters so much to you because it's someone you really love. But what does it say about you as a person if you put down another person, or hurt another person to get what you want? That you're passionate, yes. That you'll fight to the core for what you love, yes. What it shouldn't say though, is that you're ruthless enough not to care about breaking hearts. What it shouldn't say, is that friends or people in general are expendable to you. Trust me, you don't want to go through life with a reputation like that. It's not worth it and in the end it's only you who will feel the burn.

Anyway, I've enjoyed blogging this. It's taken me like half an hour? With all my silly thoughts that had to be pieced together plus the Nerds I'm enjoying, it took awhile.

Anyway, goodnight my lovers. Til the dawn of tomorrow brings us together again. <3 xx J

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