Thursday, November 5, 2009

A reason why Boys are STUPID - In honour of YOU friend; youknowhoyouare.

A friend and I were chatting on MSN about this just now.

You know why most guys are stupid?

Okay, thats a very longggg list actually. But here's one reason:
They just LOVE to check up on their exes. 
Do you know how that is? It's like you have ABSOLUTELY no contact with them for months in a row, and suddenly out of the blue you get a facebook message, or an sms or SOMETHING or the other. And the thing they do! THAT thing! They always do the "Imissyou-YougotHOT-youlookGood" act. And they get us missing them, and then they'll disappear for another five months. And then come back to do the SAME thing.
I know this because Josh does this as well. Only thing is, Josh and I are somewhat friends so its not to bad. But every once in awhile we'll both feel nostalgic and talk about our relationship and he'll say something like he misses me. And THAT makes me weak. 

What the eff right? I mean, if it's over it's over la. Either you remain friends with none of this I-miss-you bullshit and you grow from you experience of having been in a relationship with each other, or you just shut up and go away. Is it so hard to just, get out of our lives? Why must you come back and be stupid and make the girls miss you again? Really. That's just so, stupid and a waste of time. Get on with your life already. We already have! WHY must you come back and irritate us and ruin it by making us miss you?

And the girls in this case are no better (YES friend I am talking about YOU!). Of course if he buzzes you on msn or facebookchat then it would be rude to TOTALLY ignore him, especially if he so obviously can SEE that you're online. So firstly, dont do stupppid things like immediately go offline because then he'll know you're avoiding him. Secondly, be polite when talking to him, and even if your excited shitless that he's buzzed you, YOU BLOODY WELL DONT SHOW IT. That's just the biggest mistake because then he KNOWS that he still has a hold of you because he excites you. Just be cool and calm when you speak to him. Chat or talk or sms like it's no big deal. And another thing, dont go on chatting with him and waste even half an hour of your precious life. *Speaks in slang : If the boy had done you wrong, he doesnt even deserve FIFTEEN minutes.

Thirdly, if he texts you, dont reply immediately. You'll make it seem like you're desperate for his attention and you're excited to have gotten it back. Just be chill. The earliest you should reply is after an hour or so. Heck, maybe even wait a whole day. If he calls you, pick up after only three rings. If you see a missed call from him, dont call him back. Maybe text him to let him know you were busy and couldnt pick up (white lies hardly ever kills anyone!). If he cares enough, he'll call you back. Just be cool. Even if he still affects you in some way, dont let HIM know that.

I know its hard to want to ignore someone you once loved a hell of a lot. But remember, there's a reason you broke up.

Oh by the way, this only applied to those shitfaced exes that did you wrong like cheated and blah-di-blah-blah. If you and your ex ended for reasons that was neither of your faults, and you still love each other, maybe.. JUST MAYBE, the poor bugger deserves a chance. Think about it.

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