Guess who's in the mood to bitch. ;)
And for once in a really long time, I actually have a valid reason to bitch.
Why? Because people like this GIRL just piss me off.
Let's call her Monica. (Not her real name, simply because I am a nice person and even if i want to rip her to bloody pieces, I would never intentionally tarnish someone's reputation so badly, especially not someone I dont know.. except for dickman and a certain german-punjab girl, because THEY are totally different stories).
See, I, Joanna, am not the kind of person who randomly bitches about people, not unless they have done something to hurt me or piss me off. If someone were to do shit to my friends, yeah I'd get pissed and probably defend them if my friends weren't around to defend themselves, but I would NOT bitch about them. Because, quite frankly, IDONTGIVEAFUCK about such chilidish demeanors AND I hapopen to have better things to do with my life.
So this girl, Monica. Such a self-absorbed perasan as hell BITCH! Lol. Yes, that's me, get straight to the point. This stupid girl actually believes that someone as busy as me, could possibly give a damned to bitch about her. Whatever it is, the problems YOU have with my FRIENDS, you take it up with them. you don't involve me in it, because CLEARLY, i don't belong there.
And for her to actually have the gall to accuse ME of bitching about her, like HELO. Get over yourself,. First of all, I dont even know you. So clearly, I WOULD have better things to do like for example say.. oh i dont know, freaking STUDY.. so that I dont have to end up doing extra semesters because I failed certain subjects, like SOME stupid people.
Second of all, if you REALLY want to make an issue out of this, grow up and let's talk about it face-to-face. I don't like all this sending emails and messages on networking sites. That's just so childish. And bear in mind, I am the blogger here, I am the one who was publish articles, I am the one who's language and logic is good enough to kick you down, shove a horse's ass over your head for it to shit AND put you in your place. So, really, sending ME a written message? How very adult of you *rolls eyes (note the sarcasm please) .. and also how very STUPID of you.
Honestly, this kind of shit is exactly what I was GLAD to leave high school for. So really, take your high school drama and bullshit and shove it up your nostril (it will hurt more there). And really, the next time you Monica and people like you who do shit like this see me along the corridor in college, do yourself a favour and get out of my face; because if i HAVE to be a bitch about something, I most definitely WILL.
and yes, i realise i said i dont bitch about people i dont know, but that's only when they've done nothing to me. Monica here, has pissed me off. So, my reasons are totally justified. :P Plus, my blog; not yours. If you dont like what i have to say, then shut up and go away. You're just a click away, ANYWAY.
note; it's about to be a .. girlfight!
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