Tuesday, July 28, 2009

People I Love

People I Love So Freaking Much :)
- [in random order, ok maybe not so much x)] -
Since i blogged about people that piss me off

Ann - my bestest friend :)
Love you bunny. I know its hard now cos i dont live in the same freaking town anymore, but you'll always be my bestest friend no matter where in the world :) all it takes is a little effort kan? I'm glad you're finally happy with someone you care about that cares about you too. If he does anything to hurt you, i'm a phone call OR a text away. Tell me and i'mm go back to Rawang and make him wish he was never born xD ILY! :)
Dherej - the girl best friend :)
I know you might be going through a hard time now honey, know that i'm here okay? anytime, anyplace. if im not online, call me. if i am, skype me and we'll talk. I've known you for six years and i love you to bits and pieces of my crazy heart :)
Jasz - the friend i love! :)
You cow :D i've known you for almost a year but when i'm around you it feels like i've known you forever. You let me be cacated but make me feel awesome a the same time. and you let me argue with you for fun! :D I know there are times when i'm being unreasonable and i say that i don't wanna talk to you and rubbish, that just me being unreasonable. You know i could never stop anything and everything u and i have. you're someone for keeps. i love you :)
Kavinish - the guy best friend :)
You've been around from the time i was in primary school, but only now have you been "an oak tree" in the garden of my life xD You're the one i go to when i just need to talk and i don't wanna hear any opinions. cos you never say anyting about what shit i'm going through. you just listen, and maybe sometimes that's what i need right? ILY bunny :)
Rathes - the cousin friend :)
two in ONE! fuhhh! xD Cacated cow ur an awesome one to make me laugh and argue with me. We talk rubbish when we're together, we laugh about stupid things. We do stupid things like exploring through train tracks (remember this?!) and trying to drive the "doombuggy" in to town :D Memories eh? When you run off to the states to be some rich and famous chemical engineer or whatevershititis, dont forget the little people that love you. :)
Vinash - the sweetheart :)
You're so timid, its crazy sweet :D You make me feel pretty even when i KNOW i'm not. You make me smile when sometimes all i want to do is be grumpy, you're not always there, and though i'd like you to be, being there when i need you to be is enough for me. You complement me in some ways i think. You're kind of quiet and shy, i'm crazy and wild and really silly. And i think it mixes well :) Thank you for being someone different to walk into my life and make me feel special. I love you teddy :)
Steph - the sister :)
You can be VERY unreasonable and so bloody annoying and SUCH a big bully sometimes, but i STILL can declare to the world that i actually love you. be grateful you child. xD (no doubt im gonna get it for calling u child) You're funny sometimes, and when you're not freaking out at me about something, you're fun to be with. I know no matter what, my sister should be one of the most important people in my life, and you are. I love you cow :D
(and i call you cow LOVINGLY so dont scream at me)
Meet - the.. erm.. macha? :)
wakakaka! You've been awesome to me in the four years i've known you. You've taken care of steph since forever and been so good to her. Its funny when you and i gang up to bully her, but shes still ends up winning anyways. You're like the brother i never had and thank you fer being it :) ily :)
Sanjif - the baby :)
Sanjiff the manja boy monkey :)
I dont know what to say about you :) You've been there when I've been happy, and when ive been extremely sad. You listen to me talk nonsense all the time. and when i'm upset you listen to me talk rubbish and then YOU talk rubbish and make me laugh. we're each others #1 ;) but shuuuhhhhh dont tell your number two and my number two okay :D i love you sanjifmon :)
Suveen - the bhaiya :)
wakakka! official abgness :) you comel giler nonsense :D mish u tons bunny. Come come sunway and see me soon. Bring the boyfriend :D la la la love you bunny :)
Dheren - the camwhore partner #1:)
Havent camwhored with you in awhile you cow :) stop breaking dem boys' hearts okay? lub you :)
Amandapanda - The hyper friend :)
You're awesome possum missy miss and we talk about the randomest rubbish in the world. You're awesome possum the way u are and though lately ur just not around as much, u seem to be there when it counts. Ily :)
Sonia Sonaly Singam - the favourite cousin :)
And just about one of the only ones that i actually like and can tolerate. Please do not come to Malaysia and make friends with nasty bitchy Malaysian girls and then become an annoying brat like the other two cousins u know i dont exactly apprecite much. :) You're awesome for everything u are to me and fer being there alway. ILY:)


Anonymous said...

AWWW SO SWEET ily ily!:D ehehe


Anonymous said...

awwww. thankies jooo jo boo!!!!
im ok actually :D suprisingly =)
but i apriciate the concern =D ILLY.


^kavs^ said...

Awww Jo....

but seriously u didnt know me when we were in primary school .. I waz from bukit rwg jaya for a year, b4 that serendah for like 3 years and s.k kepong for like 2 years..

But we feel like we known each other for a long long time ryte...