Friday, June 5, 2009

Hello :)
Good morning human beings.
Am sitting in college at sevenfreakingthirty am. Who goes to college .. or ANYWHERE for that matter.. at 7.30am! jeez.

Oh yea.
Okay i feel i have some explanation to do.
I know a couple of my previous posts seem.. emo to say the least. and depressing.
obviously i have been cos stuff has been going on and it's bene getting me down a lil.
But then yesterday, or um, two days ago i decided, what the fcuk am i letting myself get all down and depressed for?
Depression is NOT me.
I am Joanna.
I'm meant to be bubbly cheerful and happy like i usually am.
Joanna hates depression.
I think the old me is pretty much back.
I realised i have God on my side and i dont need the people who bring negative energy to my life.
And also..
The people that try to get me down, can only pull me down so much, but they can never break me.
Joanna is a rubber band, stretch me as much as you want to, as much as you can and you might pull me down, but i will bounce back!
I'll get myself out of your grips and bounce back and while i'm bouncing back, i'm gonna snap at your fingers that pulled me, just the way a rubber band would.

Joanna is almost happy again.

I'm only still learning.
I'll take my time to actually get there :)

Note ; There's only there's only thing to do, three words for you, I love you. There's only one way to say those three words and that's what i'll do, i love you.

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