Your silent tears
Are the ones that scream out to me
Your words whispered
Are the ones I hear
Through your forced smile
I see the real you
So why do you hide away in the dark
And pretend like i dont know you
When you know its me
that you need with you
Dont shy away
I am here for you
Not just for now, not just for awhile
Open your eyes
See the new light that's been shed on you
The lighting striking lights up your path
Open up your heart
Let your voice be heard
The thunder rolling doesnt have to drown out your sound
Open your eyes
And look at yourself the way i see you
You, the beautiful person i know
The loyal and faithful friend
The one with the heart of gold
My best friend
Open up your heart
Let go and lose control
Love all those around you
Especially the one that deserves your love the most
But live just for you
No one else but you
Don't be afraid to take that risk
For if you fall I will catch you
If you break I will fix u
Cos that's what best friends are for
Open your eyes.
~ I wrote this for some of my best and closest friends. People i love and trust. Ann, this was mostly based on you. But this is also for my other girls. Dherej, Chrissie, Dheren, Jash~
i love this. one of my faves so far
Awwwhh this is so sweet!<33
Thanks honeys :)
Thanks Jo. :)
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