My darlingest sister, Steph. We used to fight like cats and dogs, and sometimes we still do. But when it comes down to it, she's my sister and i love her. cos in the end we only have each other.

My darlingest sister's darlingest boyfriend, Narmeet. He's like the big brother i never had. Its fun having him around cos we get to gang up on Steph and bully her ;) He's awesome.

Thinesh. :) My hunny. I've known him for about a year, thanks to Uday:) He's a really nice guy. He's good to me. I

My POOCHIE PAL, Shayne!!!! I have know this nuthead since I was like nine! He is awesome to me! He always ALWAYS makes me laugh when i need to the most. He is an awesome friend:D a super freaky hyper crazy amiga to chill with. i love u shaynie!

Thes is one of my amicis! We're like ALMOST related. He's funny:) in a really sarcastic way. that's what i love about him. He tells it like it is.

Miss Navay! My baby's godma and shaynie's wifey:) and part of my awesomely hyper dysfunctional family. Love u babes. :)

Nadine. Thes' sister. She is one sweet kid. hyper too, most of the time. We've been close friends for about two years or something and i love this girlie. and so yeah, we may have drifted apart in the past couple of weeks cos of circumstances but she's still my sweets. I love you nads

Mark,mark! marky MARK! Lol. This is another noob from my dysfunctional family with shaynie and Navi.:) He's my hubbay. Lols. and we are Shayne and Navi's son's godparents. LOL. he's a sweetheart:)

Kavs! My darlin that i've known since what feels like forever. He maes me laugh loads sometimes and other times he's talking sense into my thick skull and teaching me to just love life. Thanks for being there honey!

Jaszmeet! MY dearie pie! KunjiBOY! My other hubby:) muahahha! Navay's papa! LOL. Another nut from our dysfunctional family. Such a sweetheart. He makes me laugh a LOT. He's my "talk-nonsense-and-crap-like-theres-no-tomorrow" partner:) And when i need advice i know he'll give me the right words of wisdom.

Jaspreet! He is another hunny i adore. Thank you for being the one who listened to me talk about how depressed and heartbroken i was and for putting up with all my nonsense and jsut for being THERE. i appreciate it all so much.

Jash! Sh's like the sister i never had. i love u loads baby. remind me so much of myself. and u know that no matter what i'll be here for you:) just like you've been for me. And of course you'll be one of my bridesmaids IF i ever get married. haha.

Emmanuel. One of the most intelligent people i've ever known. He always knows the right thing to say when i'm down and low. But a horny thing he is! :D We keep losing touch everytime we find each other but he's a sweet heart. and he's been there at times when i really needed cheering up.

Dheren :) She's just one of my girls. ILY hunny. You and ur sister have been there fro me a lot lately and i appreciate it.

Dherej. The other twin that's my girlie! Sweets, u've been puttin up with so much of my nonsense. i love u.:)

Miss Christina! I've only known you so well in the past 24 hours. But you know what, you're like a soul sistah to me.. You get me better than even some people who've known me much longer do. And i appreciate your friendship. It means something to me:) I love u babes. Will always be here fer u:)

He calls himself "Razi Edward". Ma ASS! HE was and always will be CHETS to me:D He's been good to me a lot lately. He gets my situations with my family and he's always the one i call jsut to hear him tell me to chill and take it easy:)

Ann. Is awesome. :) When i was down and low not too long ago, her words made me feel loads better. And that meant LOADS to me. knowing someone cared.

Last, but MOST CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, miss Ann Aisyah. She's been a good girlfriend to me. Your friendship has meant loads to me babes. ILY
And you know what?
This is not even HALF of the people who have changed me and my life in SOME way. if i havent mentioned you here, please dont take it to heart. Cos u most definately mean something special to me.
i love u 2 babes...=D
awww. .*hugs!
this made my day
Love u all loads :D
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