I made a new friend!
Yay me!
ok fine. she's not MY friend.
She's good ol' Shaynie's friend:)
But NOW, she's miiiiine!
wooot woot!
but no really.
we've had each other on each others facebook friends list.
and u know. randomly commenting on statuses and stuff.
then today.
i walled her.
and she walled me back.
and then we msned like almost the whole day?
THIS biatch is like my SOUL SISTAH or something!!
serious shit!
we just clicked!!
like *CLICK*
like just clicked!
its cool.
we sort of.. GET each other.
she thinks im funny.
i think shes adorable.
and we both think the other is mature.
and i dont know. in one day we've jsut talked about such personal things like we've known each other since forever. i like this girl:) she's sweet.
ur my new amiga chica miss Christina Sonja D. Louis!
omg!!!!! i love u!!!!
we click!
ur like d butter to my jam...
we click juz rite!
i love u babe...
i love u too babes!
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