I am really starting to get annoyed with people.
No really. just people.
Not like people closest to me, no i love them.
But just.. PEOPLE.
Like, on facebook. I'm not naming names.
But there's so many fakers.
Like this one person.
She is like me, aite. a camwhore. oh wait. all girls are camwhores.
Anyways, like every other girls, she takes billions of pictures of herself and posts them on facebook.
And as usual, people comment right.
The thing is, people ALWAYS say nice things about her. i admit even i have, but that is all said truthfully.
But she ALWAYS ALWAYS just HAS to freaking disagree.
And its like if she's really modest about it, then fine. But you just KNOW that SHE knows she is gorgeous.
And the most of the peepz who comment her pic are like serious suck ups and wannabes!
Every single picture, its always the same comment, but that doesnt stop them.
Get a life lar.
And yeah u can argue that i have just as many pics of myself and shit. but really. i dont expect people to comment.
And unlike some people, i am actually telling the truth when i say i dont think im beautiful or sexy or whatever.
i think i'm cute. but that's about it.
i dont think i'm beautiful cos heLO. i am not. there are way better looking people than me. and i know that. so wtf. and i so do NOT think i'm sexy cos well, im just not. and no matter how hard i try to pull off "sexy" in pics it doesnt work, so i dont try.
and unlike SOME people. i actually know how to make fun of myself.
And then there's this OTHER person.
This person who posts notes containing stuff written by other people and then takes credit for it. and when asked, LIES about it.
WHO does that. WHY the hell would anyone do that? IT's just wrong to take someone elses work and pass it off as ur own.
Why the hell cant u just write ur own stuff? bloody asking for attention if u ask me.
And then there's everybody else.
Why cant u just leave me alone!
If i wanna be depressed and emo and SHOW it on my fb status is my bloody choice!
Why the hell do you people have to get all up in my business and say those nasty things.
and YES i'm talking about my stupid cousins who bitched about me to my sister and got all up in MY BUSINESS!
unlike another relative of mine who actually called me and asked me about it, which was the right thing to do cos i know that she really cares.
Unlike my cousins who really dont give a damned about me, they just need something to talk about. STUPID.
I hate you people who are so fake, who have backstabbed and bitched about me. Get a bloody life and stop minding my business.
If u have nothing NICE to say, then shut the hell up.
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