How many people have you had feelings for in 2009
:: None of your business, thats how many.
What's on your mind?
What's on your mind?
:: everything. and how much i hate some people right now.
What were you doing right before you logged in?
:: being pissed off, depressed and everything
Are you jealous of someone right now?
:: No. i couldn't care less about anyone right now.
Do you have any secrets that no one knows?
:: Duh u idiot. What, you think i'm gonna tell everyone my secrets? wtf
Are you mean?
:: Yes, when i want to be.
Is there a difference between like and love?
:: Hells yeah. wtf are u stupid?
What did you go to bed thinking about last night?
:: how much i hate people.
What are you looking forward to?
:: Nothing. I have nothing to look forward to.
Could you ever be friends with someone who hurt you badly?
:: Forgiving is easy. Forgetting is hard. I am friends with a guy who hurt me badly, ruined my relationship and basically my life. I forgave him. Its forgetting thats hard to do.
Did 2008 treat you good?
:: It was good... at first. i found love. Then 2008 turned around and stabbed me in the back. Took away my love, and trust. SHIIIIAT.
Will this weekend be a good one?
:: Whatever. Like i give a damn
What was the last thing you drank?
:: Water.
Who do you really want right now?
:: So many things. but i'm not going to tell you cos what the hell are u gonna do about it?! Nothing. that's for sure.
Do you trust all your friends?
:: only some. Ann. Dherej. Dheren. Nad. Jasz. Christina. Shayne.
Who's hoodie did you wear last that wasn't your?
:: Josh's :( i bought it for him for his birthday.
What do you currently hear right now?
:: Mama Africa by Akon
Did you mean it when you said "I love you" last?
:: Well considering i said it to ethan? i dont give a shit. eff off.
When was the last time you were sick?
:: Today. coughing like a bull.
Do you believe that you can change for someone you love?
:: You probably can. But i wont. Cos i made this mistake before Cos whoever he is, he's gotta love me for who i am, or just get lost.
Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know or not?
:: Maybe. i dont care anymore.
Have you ever wished you could’ve had someone but you messed that up?
:: Yes.
Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
:: Nadine, yes. Ann, no.
Had sex at school?
:: How is it your business if i have? And no. i have never and will never.
Last words you heard?
:: Let's have some fun, this beat is sick, i wanna take a ride on your disco stick
What's the greatest thing that happened to you this week ?
:: Nothing. oh. wait. Dherej did my nails. and its gorgeous. Thanks dhe
If you married the last person you love, what would your last name be?
:: Joanna Ambrose Jacob.
Were you happy when you woke up today?
:: No. i was sick.
When were you on the phone last and to who?
:: A few minutes ago. Mum.
Do you know how to change a diaper?
:: No.
Closet green object to you?
:: That stupid green plastic chair
Have you talked to a complete jerk today?
:: I dont give a damned.
Whats a fact about the last person who text messaged you?
:: She's my sister. lol
Want someone back in your life?
:: Yes. Maybe.
What were you doing yesterday?
:: Lepaking with the boys at mcd
What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
:: my water bottle.
Are you scared to fall in love?
:: True courage is wanting to fall helplessly in love after having ur heart broken and stomped on. I am scared. But im not.
Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
:: Ethan. Arvin. so yeah.
What time is it right this second?
:: 8.55 pm
Is there something you want to tell someone?..
:: Yes. but you're not him. so im not going to tell u.
Who was the last person you took a picture with?..
:: Dheren and Dherek
Is it easy to make you cry?
:: Show me something sad.
Do you find it hard to trust others?
:: Yes. Sorry but that's what the incidents last year did to me.
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