Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The assholes I date, and why I'm still positive.

The other night, I had an argument with a friend. It started when my friend said that me and Amanda have dated assholes. True. But here's the thing. We don't date assholes on purpose. No guy that wants to date a girl is a straight up asshole to her face because, well duh, he's never going to get her if he is. The assholes we date are always nice, charming and sweeter than sugar in the beginning. It's only after we've released our inhibitions and forgotten to be careful that they decide to turn into assholes and fuck us over.

I really don't understand what the point it. Why would you do that to a woman? What do you get out of hurting someone like that? Anyway this is not my point. So me and my friend were arguing. And he was telling us that we should start assuming the worst of people because then when we get to know them they will turn out better than the worst that we assumed and we're not disappointed. He says it's what he does and he's never been disappointed.

I don't disagree that his argument is valid and that he has a point. But here's the thing. That might work for some people, but it doesn't work for me. I've always been a person who gives people the benefit of the doubt and who tries to see the best in people. And I feel like if you create an impression in your head about people, especially a negative one, it's going to be pretty hard to get rid of or change that impression.

Besides, what is the point of always assuming the worst in people? It is unnecessary negative energy in your life. My friend reasons that it's a good attitude to have because people can never disappoint you. Perhaps that true, but that doesn't mean other things in life won't disappoint you.

Disappointments help shape the people we are and the people we become. If we were never disappointed, we'd never know how to be appreciative of the people that never disappointed us. It's like people say, to know the best you have to have experienced the worst. If I never dated assholes who hurt me and disappointed me, I'd never know to appreciate a good guy when he comes along.

So THIS, is my argument based on this topic. I had time to think about it, and you know what, I'd rather be the girl who believes in the best of people and gets disappointed because not only will I learn my lessons, I will be stronger. The shit that happens to us in life make us stronger and help us face everything else life and people have to throw at us. I am a stronger person today because of all the crap I been through and because of all the mistakes I made.

So you know what, you can keep your attitude of assuming the worst in people, because I am happy just the way I am. If I wasn't the way I am, I wouldn't be me. And guess what? I LOVE me!

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