Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rules of blog.

First of all, I have the right to blog whatever shit I want. My blog, my words. I've said it a million times before and I'll keep saying it, if you don't like what I blog, it only takes five seconds for you to move your cursor to the little 'X' and click it.
Second of all, I have plenty to blog about. But I shall do it in a few different posts. I hate long looooong posts. And plus, I want pictures :D
Third of all, I may or may not have plenty of not nice things to say about a lot of things and people.

So, if you're one of those people who get offended easily, I suggest you bugger off. And if you're one of those people who are plenty vain and think that when I bitch about people I am talking about them, you might want to click that 'X' right about now. And if you're one of those people who are sibuk to find out what's going on with me lately only so you can complain and bitch about it later to other people, just dig a hole and fall into it now.

Thanks. Now that I'm done with my warning, let's get blogging!

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