Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Made my day, so far.

There's this thing on Facebook that people are going around posting on each other's walls. It's really cute. This was Vishnu's one for me, and I must say, it made my day.

Vishnu ChandranDear Joey , you are my personal reminder of what quality of soul means. I like you and If you lied to me, I might actually forgive you because you wouldn't lie to me unless it was to plan a surprise birthday party ;-) . If we were in the same room , we need to look out for Amanda cuz she would have definitely found a way to wiggle in. If you hugged me chances are very high that amanda would have found her way into the middle of the hug and we be smothering her....none the less i wouldn't stop hugging you cuz your hugs are gold! ;-)
I love Vishnu. He's such a good guy and somehow he always manages to make the people around him feel good. He's in Australia now, but when he comes down for the holidays, we hang out with Amanda and Kaminie and a bunch of other friends, and it's so much fun. I love spending time with these particular people. Our conversations range from crazy, funny shit to real, serious and deep conversations.

I honestly was touched when Vishnu said "you are my personal reminder of what quality of soul means". I'm not exactly sure about what he means by that, but I feel like it's really good. Sometimes, I feel like Vishnu believes in me more than I believe in myself, more than anyone else believes in me.

There have been times before when I was just super lost and super down, but talking to Vishnu made it all better. Somehow when I talk to Vishnu, I make more sense to myself and even deciding on what I'm going to do about a situation becomes more clear to me. It's like he has the ability to just give everyone clarity.

Thanks Vishers, there's no one quite like you (that i know anyway!).

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