Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day? Fuck that.

I hate Valentines day! it's not even a real holiday. It's just an excuse for guys to treat their girlfriends like princesses for that one day which is such bullshit. the only reason most of them do it, is because they know it's a sure fact, their going to get laid. So happy getting laid everyone. No hate! Just saying. :) - Sarah Miranda James
I obviously am not a fan of this day. I have two very valid reasons.

1. I have not had great experiences with them in the past. I'm always single either before or right after Valentine's day. Not that I mind I've still got some pretty sweet gifts on Valentine's day. When I was 13, I hated Valentine's day. When I was 14, I was curious about what people did on Valentine's day, but my friends and I just sent each other little gifts that the English Society was selling in school. When I was 15, I dated too many guys at very short intervals and relationships and Valentine's day meant nothing to me. When I was 16, I was single for most of the year and so it didn't matter to me. When I was 17, I was the President of my English club and was busy organising the sales of roses for our club to make money to give a damn about celebrating Valentine's day. When I was 18, well I don't actually remember what I was doing on Valentine's day that year but obviously it was nothing significant. When I was 19, I had a boyfriend but we didn't celebrate it because we had only been dating for two weeks and I think that was when I was admitted to hospital.

So, with a fabulous track record of nothingness on Valentine's day for the past 7 years of my life, I don't see why this year is any different. My boyfriend and I broke up exactly a month ago as of today (Valentine's day). So I am just a fabulous ray of sunshine today. Honestly, I don't really care. It'd be nice to have someone to be all romantic with and to be part of all those irritating lovey dovey couples you just can't seem to un-see on Valentine's day. But I'm just not meant to be someone who gets mushy about Valentine's day. That won't stop me from fucking hating it though.

2. And secondly, Valentine's Day has been so overly commercialised so that people can make money from all things red and heart-shaped. And the FACT that people feel that Valentine's day is such an important day to show their partners that they love them by showering them with gifts and fancy dinners, I mean hello, does that mean that every other day in a year you don't do this? Because if you feel you need a special day to show someone how much you love them then I'm sorry to say this but your love is so ridiculous. It's like Sarah Miranda's Facebook status (which I quoted up there) said : "It's just an excuse for guys to treat their girlfriends like princesses for that one day which is such bullshit. The only reason most of them do it is because they know it's a sure fact, they're going to get laid."

I just DONT understand people and their obsession with this day. I for one, will happily continue hating it with a passion.

But despite my hate for all things Valentine-ish on this day, I shall wish all you lovers out there a fabulous Valentine's day, but more importantly, have a fabulous MONDAY. And when I say lovers, please note that I call everyone who reads my blog or follows me on twitter, a lover. 

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