Thursday, July 30, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

So hey there :)
i know i havent blogged in awhile eyy. Been busyyyy.

So anyways.
I was watching He's Just Not That Into You for like the millionth time (okay, not really. just the third time) again and I realised..

Almost everything about that movie is true. The way we girls dissect every bit of informaation when it comes to guys, and how in the process of dissecting all this information we tend to make our own assumptions and jump to conclusions which only end up in us being embarrassed and broken hearted.

I mean, okay, I suppose not everyone is as extreme as the main character Gigi, you know, desperate and obsessive about it. But for the most part, we're bad enough.

And we girls ALWAYS LIE to each other. When we KNOW a guy is cheating on our friend, not that there's solid proof, but sometimes the signs are just enough and we all know it. Yet, we still lie to the poor girl whose boyfriend is cheating on her just to make her feel better. But really, lying like that to spare their feelings and give them just a bit of hope only sets them up for more disappointment and heartache.

We really shouldnt do that.

So from now on, i promise not to LIE to my girlfriends about guys, especially not JUST to make them feel better when i know that they're only gonna end up getting hurt after that.

AND i promise to not EVER listen to a girlfriend that feeds me this kind of bullshit when i'm upset about a guy.


Googled : Read it. Click HERE!

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