Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lol people just keep giving me reasons to be a bitch la. iloveit.

In college yesterday, so much drama. like seriously,i wanna slap the shitttt outta some of them.

k in finite math class, we do this thing where when we're DEAD bored we pass love notes to each other, mostly as a joke. and mostly because we're cussing at our lecturer. Tina and i do it, carmen and i do it, sometimes even chinesechris and i do it. Yesterday, i decided topass a suicide cum "love" note to a new friend i made. and OMfreakinG. that moron actually took it seriously.

and at first i was just like whatever dude. its just a joke haha. laugh it off.

but this certain particular retard has been telling all his friends that apparently im interested in him. per-lease. get over yourself pimp.

FIRST of all, dont ter-perasan sangat la. you're not THAT interesting for me to actually give a fuck. you're a jock. and you know what the stereotype for jocks is.. that's the way i see it, and darling, i dont go for jocks. i am a musician-man kinda girl. so build your fucking bridge and get the fuck over it.

SECOND of all, this just proves my point, guys gossip WORSE than girls. and don't give me this bullshit that guys are "just sharing" and girls are "gossiping" because guys "sharing" is JUST AS BAD if not WORSE than girls gossiping.

THIRD of all, grow the up la. and seriously, i'll give you five bucks, go buy yourself a sense of humour. thanks to you and your perasanness your friends are talking about me, no wait more like bitching. whatEVER. get over the ego of it all.

This is EXACTLY why i've been teaching myself to STAY the hell away from all you kind of boys, and NO im not being racist because as much as i am in denial, i am still an indian girl. but fortunately for myself, i grew up NOT being sucha ... this is why i stay away from you kind of peoples. because you misinterpret all sorts of things and make a small thing into something big. just grow up.

oh and btw. you can BET that i WONT be layaning any of you anymore.
k. god bless you.

Note ; some boys should just DIE a brutal death.

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