100 truths.. Don't forget to tag!!
Last beverage? some wierd lemon tonic thing
Last phone call? Ethan. :S
Last text message? Jeeveniser! :D
Last song you listened to? Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton
Last time you cried? THURSDAY!!! when i got my RESULTS! Happy tears, for once!
Have you ever:-
dated someone twice? Yes. :S
Been cheated on? Yes. Shut up. i DONT wanna talk about it.
Kissed someone and regretted it? Yes! omg. yes. i did.
Lost someone special? Yeah. i have.
In the past month have you :
Fallen out of love? somehow or the other.
Laughed until you cried? the last time i actually remember was with steph. jasz and meet at lala chong
Met someone who changed your life? Yes, many of them.. :)
Found out someone was talking about you? Yea. like i give a flying fuck :P
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? most of them:D
Do you have any pets? two dogs
Do you want to change your name? No thanks. i love my name
What time did you wake up today? 9 ish...
What were you doing at midnight last night? online:) celebrating the good news!
Name something you cannot wait for? the possibility of seeing ethan tomorrow, maybe meeting shab, and mostly.. goinf off to college soon
The last time you saw your father? couple of hours
What's one thing you wish you could change? the way and the reasons josh and i ended.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? nope. i dont know no tom dick or harry. oh wait. i know a hary. and some fucking bitch with the last name dick. haha
What's getting on your nerves right now? msn is so screwed!
What's your name? Joanna
Elementary/Primary school? I shifted a lot. Damansara Utama and Sinaran Budi
Middle/Secondary school? Seri Garing
Hair colour? Dark brown
Long or short? Loooooong ;) *wink*
Are you a health freak? Nope.
Righty or lefty? Righty.
Firsts :
surgery? Not yet.
piercing? Ears. four:D
best friend? Ann :)
sports you joined? to quote Liv, ME? ..as if! pffft. haha. ok fine. i was in badminton
first pet? dunno.
first vacation? penang?
eating? nothing
drinking? nothing
waiting? for Dilip to reply my text ;D
Your future:
want kids? I guess. depends
to get married? not really.
careers in mind? psychologist, songwriter
Have you ever:
kissed a stranger? no:)
drank wine/beer/alcohol? hells yeah
lost glasses/contacts? yeh. LOL
ran away from home? i tried to, when i was 6. but i ran to my neighbour's house and played there:D haha
broken someone's heart? yes :S
been arrested? No.
cried when someone died? always :(
Do you believe in:
yourself? yes
miracles? Yes. god worked a miracle on me and my results:D
love at first sight? NO!
heaven? would it be inappropriate to say "hells yeah" ? haha. YES i do.
kiss on first date? maybe. depends on who.
angels? Yes,
Answer truthfully:
Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yea.:)
Had more than one bf/gf at one time? No.. maybe i should:D
Do you believe in God? YES
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