i'm so going to kill thinesh!
I missed him loads since i hadn't heard from him the past few days cos he has his cousin's wedding to help prepare and stuff.

So i decided to call him. :)
And AS USUAL, he was doing what he does every friday, saturday and sunday.
So i called him. talked to him for like two seconds.
then he tells me there's someone he wants me to talk to.
and so i talk to the guy and i'm like ok hey, do i know you.
and he's like, yeah u should know me.
and then some other stuff and i SWEAR i was so BLUR.
Then he just passed the phone to some other guy and i was thinkin NOW who the **** is THIS!
Then i realised it was Thinesh's cousin Uday. Who is also my amici. lol.
THEN Uday passed the phone to another guy and i was like christ who the hell is THIS now!
And i realised it was Khartik, Thinesh's cousin, and also my amici. LOL
And by the time the phone got back to Thinesh i was like sooo BLUR! omg. lol
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